Friday, 12 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Neo Rover 06
Not so long, a monster
appeared again. It was Badly Hawk Monster. At the time, Nick was making
research with his friends. Nick had to find a good reason to leave his friends.
Nick had to go soon before the monster destroyed the city.
Finally, Nick found a good
chance. He used the chance to leave his friends. Then Nick had to find the
monster. He had a trouble to defeat the monster because the monster could fly. From
the blue sky, the monster threw a lot of fire balls, not meat balls. Red Neon
tried to overcome the balls. But it was very hard. He thought that he had to
fly to defeat the monster.
Nick was thinking about Fly. Suddenly
he felt his body changed. Red Neon changed to be Blue Neon. In this form, Nick
could fly. He tried to chase the Monster. Then a big war happened in the clear
sky. Nick didn’t know what the weapon of the Blue Neon. So, he had trouble to
defeat the monster.
When he was in danger,
because the Monster wanted to kick his head, Nick used his hand to ward the
kick. Suddenly, three claws appeared from his back fist. After he knew the weapon
of the Blue Neon, Nick used it to defeat and destroy the monster. But oh no…The
monster changed to be a giant before Nick destroyed it for good. Nick needed
Centurion Vega but Centurion Vega was still adapting with his programs. So,
Nick alone had to defeat the Baldy Hawk Monster.
Originally written 2-08-2002
[00.35 PM – 00.56 PM]
Friday, 5 September 2014
Neo Rover 05
It was Chameleon Monster. He could
not change to be everything. Just like his name. nick went to the spot. He had
already to fight versus the Chameleon Monster. Suddenly Nick saw the Chameleon
Monster. The Chameleon Monster was destroying a town in the island. Then, Nick
used his changer. His changer was as same as a big belt. The changer had united
with his body.
When Nick wanted to change,
the changer appeared. Then Nick changed to be Red Neon. Nick didn’t know yet if
Neo Rover had five colors with different power. Nick approached the Chameleon
Monster and started to attack it. There was a big fighting. Red Neon was called
Power Neon. Orange Neon was called Metal Neon. Green Neon was called Senze
Neon. Blue Neon was called Space Neon and violet Neon was called Speed Neon.
Nick fought and fought. Kick and
smash. He tried to defeat and destroy the Chameleon Monster before the Chameleon
Monster changed to be a giant because Centurion Vega could not use yet. Centurion
Vega’s program had to adapt with Nick’s Program. If Centurion Vega could not
adapt and synchronized with that new program, it could not use until Nick
changed his program.
Finally, Nick knew that red
neon didn’t have any weapon. Red Neon only used bare hands and bare kick and a
lot of power stayed in the red neon’s hands. Finally, Nick could defeat and
destroy the monster before he changed into his giant form. Nick was very very
written 16-07-2002 [00.10 PM – 00.27 PM]
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Neo Rover 04
Then, at the night, maybe one
night, Nick saw the strange comet. Maybe it was the black comet. Nick could
feel a wicked power from the comet. Then Nick surprised. At the time he was in
the secret cave, he saw the stones, stones from Reggio City, the shone. They changed.
One changed to be core power and one stone change to be a changer.
Nick knew that since that
day, he would bring a heavy job, responsibility. He took the core power and put
it into Centurion Vega’s body. The air craft shone after Nick put it on. finally,
Centurion Vega had been life again.
Nick tried to use the
changer. He wanted to know about his new power. The old man didn’t want to talk
about Neo’s power. Nick had to know it by himself. Nick still had a year again
in the Madagascar island.
If he left the island, it meant,
he had to bring Centurion Vega. The air craft at the time was different with
Centurion Vega one years ago. Nick modified it. Nick made a lot of transformation
with Centurion Vega. So, it could not use soon. Centurion Vega was like a
person. He had to adapt with his new body first.
Then, after a week from the comet,
a disaster had appeared in Madagascar island. Now I want to tell you about the
first fighting between nick as Neo Rover and his enemy as the monster. Police could
not overcome the monster.
Originally written 16-07-2002
[08.35 PM – 08.50 PM]
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Neo Rover 03
Since the day, Nick tried to
repair the aircraft. After the old man told anything about Neo Rover, he disappeared.
Nick surprised. He was sure that he didn’t dream. Then Nick had confusion. If he
repaired the aircraft, he had to spend a lot of time for the aircraft and left
his friends.
But if he didn’t repair the
aircraft, the world would have a big disaster. The old man said that the big
disaster would appear after a black comet seen. Nick could not let it happen. So,
Nick decided and made a decision. He would repair the air craft.
Nick went to his friend’s place.
His friends had searched him all day. Nick asked sorry and said that he could not
make research with them. Then, he went to sleep. At the next day, he went to a
mine in South Africa. He wanted to search a lot of spare parts for Centurion
Vega. Nick had a confusion again because his friends always followed him. Finally,
he decided to make the research with his friends.
Nick and his friends had two years
for the research. Nick repaired Centurion Vega at night when his friends were
sleeping. No one know when he went to the secret cave. Nick was a trained young
man. He was the best fighter among his friends. The old man always watched Nick
when Nick was working. The time walked quickly. Finally, a year had passed. Nick
almost finished the reparation of Centurion Vega.
Originally written 1-08-2002
[08.10 PM – 08.29 PM]
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Neo Rover 02
Then Nick and his friends had
gotten to Malagasy Island. At the first day, Nick and friends visited the
oldest museum in the Madagascar. At the next day, Nick and Friends visited the
beach. Then they went to the forest. They started their research. They visited
a big volcano on that island. The mountain had just appeared one month ago.
It was very stand… sorry, I
mean it was very strange incident or event. Suddenly Nick heard a voice. He didn’t
understand why only he the person who heard the voice. No one of his friends
could hear the strange voice. Nick thought that he knew about the voice. The voice
was the voice of the Oldman in his dream. Nick was sure that he would find an
interesting thing. His estimate was true. After he followed the voice, he got
to the Volcano.
Suddenly the walls of the
mountain opened. Then Nick entered the secret place. After he walked for a few
minutes, he found a big aircraft but it had mortally wounded. Then an old man
appeared in front of Nick. It’s the old man from the dream. He asked Nick to repair
the aircraft because he knew that Nick was a genius young man.
Nick was twenty years old. Then
the old man told his stories about the air craft. The old man was a rover. He was
Neo Rover but he was killed in the last war and his air craft had a bad
mortally wound. The air craft was called Centurion Vega.
Originally written 1-08-2002
[05.30 PM – 05.45 PM]
Monday, 1 September 2014
Neo Rover 01
Now we move to another hero. His name was Nick. He lived in Italy one year ago but his life was changed. One year before the comet seen, an old man came into his dream. He didn’t believe about dream. Nick thought that dream was only flower from his slept. But the old man came into his dream for a week. Just like a nightmare. Because of that, he believed that dream.
The old man asked him to go to Reggio City. After he got to Reggio
City, he had to find a secret cave in the forest. Finally, Nick could find the
cave. He entered the secret cave. He walked and walked. Suddenly he saw
something. The thing was as same as egg (chicken egg, not dinosaur egg). Then Nick
took the stones. The stones were as big as egg. Nick took that because the Oldman
asked that.
The stones were Neo driver and the core power of Centurion Vega. They
would return to their real form after the dangerous comet seen. When Nick wanted
to go out from the secret cave, he saw an Oldman. It is different old man from
his dream. The Oldman said that Nick had to return the stones.
Nick didn’t want to have troubles, so he run quickly. Finally, he
could escape from that old man. At night, he dreamed again. The old man said
thank you to him. At the next day, Nick and his friend would be delivered to Madagascar
Island. They would make research about the history of Madagascar. Nick also brings
the stones because the old man said that.
Originally written 1-08-2002
[015.00 PM – 05.16 PM]