Sunday, 17 August 2014

Engine 17


Billy thought that the trouble would come from the outer space. And Billy was sure that the enemy from the outer space would be stronger than the enemy from this blue planet itself. Suddenly, he heard a crowded from a place near the market. The monster with rubber element was approaching the market. Then Billy changed to be Red Engine Rover and fought versus the monster. Billy used his electric power his raw power to defeat the monster. But the monster was very very strong. Billy was in danger or in a pinch.
At the time, Akira arrived. He used the cloud to bring him to the spot. Akira helped Billy fighting the monster. Not so long, Costa also arrived. They fought hardly to find the weakness of the monster. Finally, they could defeat this nasty monster. But the monster could change to his giant form. Billy and friends needed Engine Megavard. Billy gave his tetra stick to Engine Megavard. And you know the end. Finally, Engine Megavard could destroy the Rubber monster used the electric tetra stick.
Then, Akira, Billy and Costa made an urgent meeting. Billy told them about his invention and his feeling about that. Billy explained about the power from the outer space. They had to have another robot to save the Earth. Suddenly, Billy and friends surprised. The machine which made by Billy made a wrong sign. The danger signal came from another direction in outer space. Billy was afraid if it was another danger/enemy. His estimate was right when he came again to the market and used the wave catcher.


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