Tuesday 7 January 2014

Galaxy 07


Their first war was in Bermuda Island. They fought versus a monster from Black Venom. In the Earth, Black Venom was called Black Maker. The Rover, Galaxy Rover was helped by another Rover team, Wave Rover. Finally, Galaxy Rover could destroy the monster. Then, Wave Rover asked Galaxy Rover to face Cybertronical. Black Maker had been faced by Sigma Rover. Sigma Rovers were Wild Rover, Road Rover, Sky Rover, Engine Rover and Neo Rover.
Since that time, Galaxy Rover changed their purpose. They had to face Cybertronical from Cybermetalic planet. Galaxy Rover could not leave Earth because Sigma Rovers could not face a lot of enemies, all at once.
Now I want to tell you about their second war. Cybertronical had sent a monster to South Polar. The monster wanted to disturb magnetic area of Earth. If the enemy, the monster could do it, a big disaster would happen in the Earth. Galaxy Rover could not let it happen before their eyes. They had to stop the evil monster. They went to the spot used their space aircraft. Their air craft was called Danguard XX. When they got to the spot, the South Polar, the monster had done half of his plan.
Galaxy Rover had changed to be rover used their changer. Sean, Izkandar, Ahmad, Joe and Leo had to make a plan to destroy the evil monster. The evil monster was very very strong. They had to use their knowledge to face that evil smart monster. The war, fight actually, had been started on the polar territory.
Originally written 05-11-2002

[08.10 AM – 08.23 AM]

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