Saturday 4 January 2014

Galaxy 04


He was Ahmad, the Green Rover. He had gotten to a strange planet. It was covered by a lot of plants. The plants were very very big. He also saw a lot of dinosaurs. They were tyrannosaur, iguanadon, polokantus, protoceratop, setiosaur, skelidosaur, euparkeria, alosaur and stegosaur.
Ahmad had to find a dinosaur to be his vard. He needed a lot of time to decide. Suddenly he saw a war, fighting is too simple word. Then, he went to the spot.
When he got to the spot, he surprised when he saw the dinosaurs fought each other. A strange thing happened. All of them changed to be vard and changed into human form. Ahmad could not decide.
While Ahmad was trying to decide, we move to another Rover. He was Leo, the white Galaxy Rover. He had got to a planet. It was covered by eternal snow. Finally, Leo got to a strange place. He saw a lot of vard animals. They were frozen because they made a lot of trouble to the galaxy. They were frozen by the leader of Andromeda Galaxy. Leo had to choose one of them. Leo had to find a vard which had lost his wicked aura.
When he saw an ancient tiger, he was afraid. Leo could feel that almost of those vards still had their wicked aura. Leo could not ask a bad vard to help him although the vard was strong. Suddenly he saw strange animal. It was union of an eagle and a lion. The animal was a legendary animal called Griffin. From the old story, Leo knew that Griffin was a strong vard, maybe the strongest vard. But Leo didn’t feel wicked aura from the Griffin. Finally Leo decided to help Griffin.
            Originally written 3-11-2002

[05.25 PM – 05.43 PM]

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