Thursday 7 August 2014

Engine 07


            Suddenly, Billy got a danger sign. Finally he knew that a monster had come out. Billy had to protect his area. Akira also wanted to help Billy. It was plant monster. Then Billy changed to be Red Engine Rover and fought the monster. Akira also helped him. He changed to be Blue Engine Rover. The Plant monster was very very strong. They could not defeat the plant monster. The plant monster could catch them both. They were in big danger.
            Suddenly there was another Engine Rover. He was Costa, the Green Engine Rover. Costa saved them from the pinch situation. Billy and Akira said thanks to Costa. They used their triple power. Suddenly, they could defeat the Plant Monster but before Engine Rover could destroy him, the Plant monster changed to be a giant. It was usual rules from this series.
            Billy and friends needed their vards. Billy called Miracle, a spacecraft unit. Akira called Mirage, an aircraft too. Costa called Quick Strike, a big car. Then, they had to unite their vards to be a robot, Engine Megavard. They could not destroy the monster before they united. Then, a system to transform would start. The transformation had been started. Quick strike changed its form. It changed to be the legs. Mirage changed its form. It changed to be the hands. And the last transformation was for the Miracle.
            It changed to be the body. Finally, a new robot had formed. It was called Engine Megavard. A big war happened between the Plant Monster and the robot, Engine Megavard. Finally, the Plant monster could be destroyed.
Originally written 28-08-2002
[01.15PM – 01.29 PM]

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