Friday 15 August 2014

Engine 15


Suddenly Billy and Costa saw a big huge giant aircraft. It was Centurion Vega. Nick came to the town because he was looking for the monster. He was sure that the boy in the school was in danger. Then he changed Centurion Vega to be Vanguard. He asked the pilot of Miracle and the driver of the Quick Strike to help him. They used some attack such as grand missiles and super high density laser.
Finally, after a few minutes, after a lot of attacks, they could destroy the power wall, the glass shield. Billy and Costa helped Akira. Akira had known the weakness of the monster. That was the reason why he made the power wall. The monster was made from the fire. He could be defeated by the cloud. It was easy to defeat something you had known the weakness.
Finally Akira and friends could destroy the monster. The Engine Rover won the battle but they didn’t win the war yet. Then they met Nick. They said thank you to Nick because he had helped him. Then Nick returned to Madagascar Island. He had to help the island from the wild horror monster.
Billy and Costa also come back to their town. Akira also returned to his school. He had to continue his lessons. The trouble would come back again. This time, the trouble would visit Billy. After he got to his home, Billy thought about his plan. He had to make a new robot to help Engine Megavard but he had to find the right person to be the pilot and also he needed a lot of money to make the robot. He felt that the next enemy would be stronger than before. Yeah, it was the basic typical story line. Don’t waste your brain to think about that kind of thing.
Originally written 29-08-2002
[08.00 PM – 08.15 PM]

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